Frisson Days is a series of letters written to an unknown/imaginary/distant ancestor whose presence I sometimes feel in times of insight and hardship. I don't know who they are or were, just that they were a witch and a healer and they lived with great bodily pain. This period of intensified fear, illness, and anticipation of suffering has felt like something this person knew well, and since I'm craving any sense of the familiar, I write to them.

Liz Bowen is a writer, editor, and disability scholar living in NYC. She is the author of the poetry collections SUGARBLOOD and COMPASSION FOUNTAIN.

(With debt to Johanna Hedva for calling forth the sick witches.)

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Letters to a sick witch


Liz Bowen is a writer, editor, and disability scholar living in NYC. She is the author of the poetry collections SUGARBLOOD and COMPASSION FOUNTAIN.